Students abuse by teachers

It was today i actually decided to get into the all round abuse drive by bloggers. First of all i thought hardly what should i write about abuse because there are many kinds of abuses and many forms of abuse. ABUSE- An improper use of power, its a type of misuse, can be a sort of insulting language, could be an unjust or currupt practice, a maltreatment(child abuse), illtreatment. Then this one came to my mind. As the topic indicates i am writing about the Student abuse in schools by their teachers.

There have been even many reports of student deaths due to this beating by their teachers or private tutors. Say teacher asked some sort of question from the student and the student was not able to anwser that - teacher lost his temper and started his non-voilent act. Better if give some real life examples see for yourself Teacher Beats student to death.where a teacher beats up an 8th std student to death and other similar incident this one

What i here intend to say that these(above 2) kinds of incients may be somewhat uncommon of student dying due to teachers beatings and the teacher ending up in jail. But what about others who go on with these kind of abuse incidently or even bear it for the longer duration of time. Basically this is a kind of well known child abuse but affects both physically and psycological behaviour of the child. Physical abuse is a visible form and can easily be detected by others, by parents etc where the teacher uses generally striking, slapping, hair pulling, pinching etc with these kids. Its on some occasons (enerally argued by teachers)of these measures for correcting the students and is acceptable by both parents and later by students. But excess of these resullts in illeffects on the student both on his studies, his behaviour and his rest of his entire life.Yes tis kind of behavior is banned in many countries of the world and strict action can be taken against the teacher if found guilty.

The other one is kind of emotional abuse or psycological which includes verbally by yelling on the child, name-calling, constant criticism, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation. As well, isolating the child from friends or regular activities, and using silent treatment against him and his developnment. Now this kind of psycological treatment is generally never concerned with as no one can prove it nor the victim is in the position to complain probably he is afraid in doing so. So what will the student do in this case.Moreover (generally speaking) the number of students affected by psycological affects due to illtreatment are also less at a perticular place so normally get unnoticed. Now physical assult can be clearly seen and talked about and among the students. what abt this one.. do you have answers??

Now question arises why do teacher do such kind of act or better say why do teacher beat students?? Now as i am not related psycology so i can't come up with full explanation but will try to answer my best.
One thing which came up to my mind is old fashioned(barbaric) techniques or say beating is generally and normally used technique to make a student on the right path. That can be easily adopted by teachers. Second thing which came up to my mind was the teachers own personal problems which results in his this kind of behaviour. Third teacher is insane(generally quoted by students). If you know any please let me know waiting for your replies.

I found some organisations working against this kind of abuse some are:-

the future of human race..(Do read it)

This just came into my mind today morning. A strange topic to write about in my blog. So whats will be the future of mankind or say human race on this planet, will it be good or worse.

Some time back i saw on discovery channel that the scientists are developing various gadgets which can be attached with human beings as an extra memory say a kind of HDD so that people can store extra information in it directly transferring the data from their brains(sounds weired). Within the next two centuries, telephones and the like will be totally obsolete. Televisions and like will disappear. Every person's physical body will contain the capabilities. Nobody will have to bother dialing a telephone. A person will only need to beam out the number of the desired party from his own built-in phone, with its antennae located in the eyebrows or from his hair, and the other person will receive the call the same built-in way. That's how easy it will be to place a phone call. And those who wont upgrade themselves will be left behind( According to Darwins theory "Survival of the fittest") . And if any problem comes with our body we will have to show that to Robotic engineer cum doctor.

In 1998 a person developed a mechanic hand that can be controlled through internet scientist are developing such things for performing operations( doctors on one side of the planet and patient on other).Don't know what will happen if there will be a network congestion.

Moreover scientists can now change the genes and mix them with animals genes to create new type which neither resembles any of the previous ones.Well lets go more further.. how about 500 or 1000 yrs from now. Humans changed into half machines much advanced race than us and calling to their relatives residing in other planets.

Just take for example about 100 years ago from now if we would have said to people that in future we can fly in aircrafts, talk to anyone from anywhere using mobiles and have a device named computer which can do so many tasks they might call us insane.

But will all these technical advances really help mankind?? Take for eg. mobiles they are now known to create cancers. Television for eye problems etc. What about others warfare items?

Mankind will also be effected by environmental factors.

Lets take for example global warming. Do u really believe that human race will extinct with gradual change or even say sudden change of climatic conditions( Movie "Day After Tomorrow"). I would say no. Many will definitely die but human race won't get extinct. I say so because humans can travel from one place to another much faster (aircrafts) than other species on this planet, though many will be left behind. What about increasing content of CO2 and other gases and pollution? The number of percentage patients have increased complaining about asthma, lung cancer etc.Three months back i saw an add in Television people selling a device which absorbs the Co2 and other harmful gases present in a room, made especially for these people. Is this the future, because concentration of these gases is increasing day by day. Yes life will still survive and give rise to species which can live also in those conditions as "life always finds a way" dialog from "Jurassic Park" movie. eg Scientists say that cockroaches can even survive a "nuclear war". What if it really happens in future?
I read somewhere that a guy was talking about energy crises and pollution stuff and he got a simple comment from other one that the scientists will find out a new way gave eg of solar energy wind energy etc but still these gases concentration is increasing.

I think i may not stop writing about this topic but this one going very long things are just flowing into my mind and i can't stop.

Well we can only predict what the future will be. It may be possible that after few 100 years from now(if my blog still remains on net). A person might come to this post and adds his comment that he went to mars in his college trip . Who knows?????

Some Coincidence pics



Someones listening...

Is that his hair??

Time to Study

Hi Friends,

It Is No Fault Of Student Becoz A Year Has Only 365 Days.

Days In A Year = 365

Sundays = 52 Days
Sundays Are Meant For Rest

Days Left = 313 Days

Summer Vacations = 60 Days
Weather Is Very Hot, and its a Vacation

Days Left = 253 Days

8 Hours Of Daily Sleep = 122 Days
Sleep Is Necessary

Days Left = 131

1 Hour Daily For Play = 15 Days
Its Good For Health

Days Left = 116 Days

2 Hours Daily For Food = 30 Days
Chew The Food Properly Don't Care For Time

Days Left = 86 Days

Examination Days In A Year = 30 Days
Giving Exams Is Necessary

Days Left = 56 Days

Winter Vacations = 25 Days

Weather Is Cold Its Difficult To Study

Days Left = 31 Days

Other Holidays = 20 Days

These Holidays Are To Enjoy

Days Left = 11 Days

Illness At least Once A Year = 8 Days
Becoz Of Illness Study Is Difficult

Days Left = 3 Days

Result Days = 3 Days
Going And Taking Result Is Necessary

Days Left =0 Days

So Tell Me Where Is The Time To Study?

Spelling Mistakes

Don't skip this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not you can read it.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid!

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorant.