Well we all must have seen and even know that plastic is very harmful for the environment in which we live in. Simply stating it pollutes it because it does not and never degrades.
A tortoise trapped in a plastic bangle when it was small---------------------->
Why people are generally using plastics instead of cloth bags, jute bags or any other form of environment friendly bags:- Yes the answer is "Convenience" just for the sake of this we are destroying our ecosystem. Another big reason is its "cheap", Why would a seller use or provide a cloth bag to all its customers if he has a much cheaper alternative in the form of plastic bags. So doesn't it makes your duty to carry a bag with you.
Anyways all the above things which i pointed out above are just common things and most of my readers might be aware of that. But still many times you simply forget to carry a with you if you are buying clothes, eatables etc.
But now you might regret after buying any kind of eatables contained in a plastic bags. Yes its true.
Scientists in the US and Canada studying the effects of bisphenol-A (BPA), an ingredient of polycarbonate plastic used to make common everyday items for storing food and medicines, found it caused loss of connections between brain cells in primates and may lead to disruption in memory and learning as well as depression. (click for source)
So just keep this thing in mind and you will simply refrain from using a plastic container for food item.
I simply ask why only plastic bags even the water bottles, so good looking and convenient plastic containers, or any other plastic made products which we use or keep in contact with any consumable item are simply becoming a threat to us and even our future generations apart from all those environment degrading stuff.
So next time you are drinking from a plastic water bottle just remember this post. lol.
Other relatd Posts:-
Our Oceans turning Plastic... ( This one is scary)
Plastic bags are killing us.
September 10, 2008 at 11:32:00 PM GMT+5:30
Hey ankit very good blog and good knowledge of plastics.
I am really very much amazed with your environmental understanding
I have also implemented my project
to support
Keep it up with ur projects
we young indians will make every indians proud
January 11, 2009 at 4:21:00 AM GMT+5:30
very interesting.
that picture was so sad.
June 5, 2010 at 5:37:00 PM GMT+5:30
Ankit, where did you find the poor tortoise???
So sad... now, I definitely have good reason to stop using plastics!
See what it did to the poor tortoise. Sob!
June 6, 2010 at 6:46:00 PM GMT+5:30
I found that link on internet. Bestlifeonline link mentioned in other related post.
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